Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I used to have a life, but Facebook ate it!

D from Oz said it perfectly. Facebook has consumed everyone's life and I have issues with one thing to do much less two! :)

- School is back in session. Can we hear a "Hip, hip, hooray!"
- Hubby is gone again, finally. (Insert another cheer.)
- Plans have been made for two trips this fall. Both to see a wonderful gal.
- DD is more sassy than ever. - Who'da thunk!
- DS wants to sing, dance, and play an instrument this year. I'm just not sure when he's going to have time!
- Still have over 200 pounds of puppies in our home.

That's about all there is and nothing more.


Martha said...

Ah, but you have 7 more weeks all to yourself...make the most of it! (even if it's playing games on Facebook)

Sitting In Silence said...

LOL..I so get this post. It's true Facebook it so much easier these days, one post reaches everybody ! xoxoxo