Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Laundry Quandary

As we are trying to co-exist with the new carpet and a new puppy, I have a nagging feeling that there is something just not right with the world. I then realize that there is a mountain of laundry in the basement.

Mountain tends to be an understatement. Bob complains that he doesn't get to the mountains enough, little does he realize that I am going to start charging admission for people to start being able to ski in our basement. That would save the problem of no more spring skiing.

I'm not sure who's laundry I'm doing, but it certainly can't be ours. I look in the closets, drawers, floors, under beds, and things stuffed in toys and I find enough clothing to keep a family of 10 or 12 dressed for a month. So how do I still have a mountain of laundry? Could it be that my husband has found an additional income source? There no articles of clothing that look unfamiliar, maybe they bought identical clothes? Surely there is no other reasonable explanation.

As I ponder this situation, I realize that DD is insistent on picking out her own clothes. While this is a great thing for me, it isn't such a great idea for my laundry quandary. I also realize that while DS isn't the clothes hog DD is, he still has dance three times a week and now plays baseball.

As I am still befuddled by the ever growing pile, I am very glad that I don't have to use one of these!!

This one sort of scares me!!!

Gretta update!
Gretta had her next visit to the vet today. She is 22 1/2 pounds and is growing rapidly!!! For my fellow neighborhood moms, she is already as tall as the sofa. Was there ever any doubt? There was a 6 month old Boxer at the vet's office and Gretta was almost as big as he was. I really need to get the house together so I can have you all over. It's coming along!


tz said...

Gretta is huge!
sometimes I think I should gt two sets of machines...

Again...I do a couple loads a day and I'm still never caught up!

I think laundry is actually in one of the rings of Dante's Hell...

Martha said...

I'll date myself...but growing up, one of the highlights of visiting my grandma was that she had a ringer washer and we loved helping her. That, and she hung the stuff out on the clothes line. How cool was that?

Yeah, the joke was really on us...Grandma probably loved those weeks when those stupid girl grandchildren came and gave her a break from the drudgery that is laundry.

wondering if when I"m old my grandkids will think it is a thrill to do laundry?

Photos of the growing pup please...

Dodi said...

I wish I had a clothes line! I grew up with one, and I'd love to again sleep in sheets that had been dried in the sunshine! Talk about the best smell on earth!

Our laundry seems to get done, just never folded and put away. I have a landing full of towels and sheets that CANNOT find their own way to the linen closet that is a mere 2 1/2 feet from where they lay. LAZY laundry!

Pls post puppy pics!