Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Stroll Down Memory Lane

For the last several weeks I have been having problems with my computer. Since I live with my technical support, I very rarely get the help I need. (Those of you that have your minds in gutter - get them out!!) So last weekend, we spent ALL day on Saturday shopping for computers. We (okay, he) decided on a laptop to replace my desktop. While transferring my data, we found out that my hard drive was failing. Thank heavens my tech support had the foresight to look for new hardware.

On my new computer, I have an awesome photo viewer. It is so easy to take care of red eye that I decided, since I had nothing else to do, I would go through each photo and take care of the red eye. As I did this, I found lots of photos that I have not scrapbook (because I'm 5 1/2 years behind) and spent a lot of time reminiscing.

This one is DD on Thanksgiving 2004. She was so cute and our sweet little girl.

Until the next February and her 3rd birthday. Looking at this photo, I should have known. However, it did make me laugh, because she still makes this face and I crack up every time!
I still helped her blow out her candles.

Not to be outdone, in 2/02 DS decided to draw a self portrait. I asked what the thing was between his legs and he proceeded to tell me that it was his penis. That's what I get for asking. DH grabbed his camera.

March 2005 - Getting along
December 2005 - Getting along, again.
March 2006 - The Little Ballerina
For those of you who think that my friend Jenn is a figment of my imagination, here is a picture taken and posted completely against her will.


Anonymous said...

Please beware when you sleep. I'm coming to visit in February and I know where your bedroom is located. In fact, sometimes I sleep on Bob's side. I can't believe you blogged that awful picture of me. The story that you didn't tell about that day is the fact that I had 102 degree temp., your friend at the party was the rudest woman on the planet and needed to be abolished, and I HATE to have my picture taken.
I promise that I am really not THAT ugly!!

Aimee said...

The other pictures that I have are worse. You realize that I now have documented proof if anything happens to me. And you are on the phone with me now, so what's up with that?!?!?

You love me anyway!

Anonymous said...

After your friends see my picture, they will understand the threat. And, if anything happens to you, I will have an alibi... I will just have to show them the picture.
Besides, I have the higher IQ.

ganelle said...

Wow! Bob must be very proud of that etch-a-stech self-portrait!

Love the growling princess!

Colleen O said...

tangent - have you ever noticed the size of Bill Clintons hands? He was on Letterman the other day, and I don't know if it was a black makes you look thinner, stripes make you look fatter effect or what. . . but the man looks like he has very large hands...

Grrr - that growly princess looks kinda familiar. I think she was at the daisy meeting yesterday.

Sitting In Silence said...

Beautiful pictures, I also love going through old photo's and remembering special times...

Love the ballet photo,the uniform is the same as my DD...

tz said...

hahahah, i've met jenn so i can't make the snide comment that you maybe photoshopped someone else in...

loved the etch a sketch self portrait!

tz said...

hey I hope martha gave you a hard time about updating your blog too!

like the new christmas look by the way!

Dodi said...

I like how you have time to make sure your background had a yule theme - - but haven't updated your blog words since the beginning of November!!!

Priorities, right?

Garity said...

I have tears running down my face because of your son's self portrait. Braedon did one (once upon a time) and also included his "fruit and nut assortment" I also saved a copy to give to his wife years from now.

Your daughter's angry face is priceless. It would be hilarious if you caught this face she makes every few years and did a collage.