Are YOU living in CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome) like Franny in the pink sweats? Do you feel overwhelmed, overextended, and overdrawn? Hopeless and you don't know where to start? Don't worry friend, we've been there, too.
Step through the door and follow FlyLady as she weaves her way through housecleaning and organizing tips with homespun humor, daily musings about life and love, the Sidetracked Home Executives (SHE) system, and anything else that is on her mind.
When you join FlyLady, you will receive daily FLYmail. Your FLYing Lessons will guide you through babysteps to help you set up routines, get rid of your clutter, and put your home and life in order. FlyLady's approach has worked for thousands. Join anytime you want (there is no cost involved)! You are not behind - you are just getting started! Read FlyLady's personal testimony in WhyFly? Don't be overwhelmed by all the material on this site - take it a little piece at time - baby steps. To get started, check out the FLYing Lessons - it will tell you how to begin. You can have this peace too, and it won't cost you a dime!
Okay, so now I know why I don't know who FlyLady is. She has never visited my house. Before DH, DS & DD I was sort of organized and my days thought out sometimes. I planned trips, school work, evenings out with my friends, etc. Thanks solely to my dad, who is a Virgo. (Those of you who have ever lived with a Virgo know what I mean!)
Then I got married, and my life fell to an unorganized state. Not that my husband is a slob because he was relatively organized when I met him. The problem is we save (almost) everything. Now I'm not near as bad as some of the people you see on those HGTV shows, but I do scurry around picking up prior to anyone coming over. That is one of the reasons, I don't like drop in visitors. My friends and family know this character flaw, so they are welcome anytime. However, I have been known not to answer the door if someone knocks unannounced.
I am wondering if the FlyLady can turn this:

Into this:
If so, I am signing up. I need to hear some testimonials from my fellow bloggers.
Tell me you didn't sign up for HER emails? Anyone want to take bets on how long you make it before you realize that FlyLady is one irritating and annoying beotch when it comes to emails! :)
All kidding aside, she does have some good ideas and the key is to take what works for you/your way of thinking and ignore the rest.
she's also got a book (probably more by now, it's been years since I've truly followed her) that is much easier to stomach than all those repetitive emails. Local library has it.
Good Luck!
Have not signed up yet. Thankfully I am surfing while catching up on recorded material not suitable for young children. I will catch one of her books and see what I can come up with.
Thanks for the info!
What I like about her line of thinking is that the little things do make a difference: getting up and dressed with shoes on (ok, so I skip the shoe part and at least have socks on), establishing certain routines, dedicating certain days for certain tasks (I never start laundry unless I can be home for the entire start to finish process) and the shiny sink (basically don't let the sink become yet another hot spot for storing stuff) and setting the timer and do things in short bursts of time.
Now: having said all that, here I sit in my jammies, with no socks on, dishes in the sink from last night and laundry in the dryer since Friday, the calendar remains on December (even though it is an 08 calendar) and I can't find my timer.
That's why I'm a fly-lady failure!
I'm with martha, the email thing is CARAZY...but the idea of attacking a little bit at a time, seems to help...
right now my living room is a nightmare...we moved all the stuff out of the guest room to make it into jake's room and now I have to figure out how to make my living room and office and a living room...i'm a little overwhelmed right now....
have you ever watched that show, clean sweep? i'm one of those before deals and it's horrible...
I bet she's changed her email system - I remember there being LOTS of complaints about it.
I think I found her through the "Saving Dinner" Cookbook that I don't use anymore. What I loved about her was - if you only have 2 minutes to vacuum, then vacuum the middle icky parts, leave the rest, and move on. If your house is a wreck, do the dishes (I skipped the scrub it until it shines part) and the heck with the rest. At least you have that one clean spot to start you on the right foot in the morning.
She's my hero. She's why the ceiling fan got dusted this year (whether it needed it or not. The grocery bag full of "dust" would suggest that it was time.)
Never heard of her, but I think I have a TV show like this on pay TV. A woman comes into a house wearing a white glove and teaches woman how to control their house and make cleaning easier.
For what it's worth....I live by the rule of Minimizing everything and if something is on a bench, floor, cuppboard or where it should not be for more then 3 takes annual leave to the Bin....forever.
I have friends that love clutter and some that lay plastic sheets down before you sit...LOL serious...but hey what ever makes you happy...It's all about the people in the house anyway....nothing like a lived in house !!!....
Aimee - she's annoying, but with good intentions. Make sure your sink is clean before you go to bed.
Martha - Nothing wrong with Jammie Sunday!
Colleen - What did I miss? Who is Jake?
Danielle - You really throw stuff out after it's not in the right spot for three days?? God, I wish I was more like you! My kids were trying to talk me out of throwing away birthday cards that were 6 or 7 years old. (I found them in a closet, looked through them, and decided I didn't know why I had saved them. My girls were horrified! I have to make sure they don't grow up to be hoarders!)
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