I was told, and I told, lots of "Bob" stories. Fun was had by all except the source of the entertainment. It's a good thing that my husband has a sense of humor. -- Although, being married to me, he must. -- We ate, drank and were merry. Does water count as "drink"? Anyway, we tolled the village and were amazed by the prices everywhere. I thought Vale was expensive, but not compared to Whistler.
Point of fact:

The hoary marmot (Marmota caligata) is a species of marmot that inhabits the mountains of northwest North America. The largest populations are in Alaska. In the northern part of that state they may live near sea level. Hoary marmots live near the tree line on slopes with grasses and forbs to eat and rocky areas for cover. It is the largest North American ground squirrel and is often nicknamed "the whistler" for its high-pitched warning issued to alert other members of the colony to possible danger. The animals are sometimes called "whistle pigs." Whistler, British Columbia is said to be named for these animals.[1]
These are the things we learn when there are a bunch of drunk people, and we use them for entertainment, lots of trivial facts.
Overall, it was a great time spent with my husband and people I haven't seen in a year. Hopefully, we will get to go to Bali next year. Of course, that would be somewhere with a beach, my husband couldn't get that lucky.
Wish us luck on getting back today. We may get to stay at the airport until tomorrow. I can hardly wait!!
Oooo...after a resort in Whistler, well a night at the airport sounds so sucky!
Hope you make it home. The snow has stopped and the ground was so warm, not much stuck around. Will be icky/icy roads in the morning but should clear quickly.
lots of interesting facts about whistler...
i'll hope for bali for you too!
I'm nothing if not informative. I thought it was a strange fact.
Oh, we made it home Sunday at 10:30pm, so no airport overnight for us!! Of course, I think they would have chartered a plane to get us out of there. We were a little rowdy after the 3rd hour. We were there 6 1/2 hours (delayed 4). But we were able to sleep in our own beds.
The Whistler looks so cute...what amazing facts...
Cant wait to see all your photos...
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