There are two problems with this request:
1.) Her "little lion" is a tiger. I knew this so it didn't cause too much stress, as she was putting it in her bag.
2.) What on earth was this "cloth" she was talking about?!?!? The following conversation ensued.
DD: I need to take my "cloth".

Me: What cloth?
DD: My "cloth".
Me: Just repeating yourself is not helping. What are you talking about.
DD: (As indignantly as possible) You know! The one with the three toes.
Me: Still not sure what you are talking about.
DD: I'll go get it and show you.
Me: Okay........(I have to wait approximately 30 seconds, apparently, it was in the next room - couldn't she have brought it with her to begin with?)
DD: See it only has three toes.
Me: It's a bear.
DD: No, it's a "cloth".
Me: No, it's a bear and you mean sloth.
DD: That's what I said a sloth.
Me: No, you said cloth not sl-oth.
DD: Whatever!!!
Me: It's still a bear.
DD: A sloth IS a type of bear!!!
At this point, I gave up because apparently we have "little lion" that is a tiger and a "sloth" that is a bear!

Now, having never actually seen a picture of a sloth, I'm a little creeped out with this one! It was the least creepy one of the lot. The only sloth I have been associated with (maybe associated isn't the right word) is the one from Ice Age (his name escapes me!). I'm not sure I would ever actually want to see one up close and personal.
For those of you who are dying to know, sloths are NOT related to bears, they are in the same Order as the Anteater. Thank you Wikipedia!!
Also, apparently lions and sloths don't get along, because I had to watch them for a couple minutes while DD went upstairs, because "they get in trouble when they are left alone". Who knew!?!?
that sloth picture is a bit creepy...
cute story
like your new back ground..
Glad that she brought a bear...and not a sloth..the sloth is a bit too creepy for my tastes thank you very much..
LOL....That is one cute sloth...
I had never even heard of the three-toed sloth until BB2 had to research it for his Rainforest Unit with Matthews.
And watch out for those stuffed animals left unattended. Haven't you ever heard of Toy Story?
DD1 picked two toed sloth for her science fair project this year. (report and diorama) I am now qualified to stick a bumper sticker on my car that reads: "Expert on Sloth... not so familiar with the other six deadly sins as they don't reside in the rainforest"
Seriously, I never knew there was so much to know about this weird creature.
That freaky ass thing doesn't look ANYTHING like SID - the sloth from ice age!
Is this a new webkinz?
Hey there, I love the story and have to agree the sloth is kinda freeky.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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