Saturday, August 4, 2007

First Week of School

The first week of school went as well as can be expected.

Andrew was very nervous the night before. This confused me since I'm used to kids (namely us) being our for 2+ months. After two months, I was always a little nervous since we hadn't seen the teachers and there were always kids that moved into the area. Anyway, I tried to explain that it was the same as the winter break only with a new teacher. He wasn't worried about his new teachers , so I'm not sure what he was worried about. So by the time he went to school, I think he was fine. He was happy to be back at school, but annoyed that everyone kept asking about his cast. I think he got tired of telling the story.

Lindsey had a wonderful time. She's been waiting for this for over a year. She loves Mrs. Greer and the first two days of school went well. Her one-on-one went well too. When she and Mrs. Greer came our laughing, I knew it was going to be a long year.

I worked two days up at the school. It's nice to be so close to the kids and to be able to be there if they need me.

Well, this is all short-lived since we are leaving for Ohio on Tuesday. The kids are excited to already be getting time off school. That is just pitiful. At least they don't have homework yet. I was actually hoping they would have some homework to do while we are gone. Instead I'm sure I will he hearing "I'm bored", "I don't have anything to do", etc. We will of course take plenty of stuff to do, but it never seems like we take enough.


Martha said...

4th grade had homework AND spelling this week and I was not in the mood to supervise.

Glad to hear the first week went well. Tell Andrew, I still haven't had a chance to ask him about his foot so his misery isn't over yet. Giggle giggle..

Aimee said...

He'll LOVE that. The problem is that he'll have to tell everyone in Ohio too. Although I will be there to buffer.