Thursday, September 6, 2007

Blog Challenge

Yes, I'm about two weeks behind, didn't want to spoil all the fun of my last blog...

List 8 things about yourself, but make one of them untrue.
Let's see if you can guess which is untrue! I'm not a very good liar, so we'll see how this goes.

1. My grandmother is from Australia

2. I have not one sociopathic friend, but two.

3. I love London with all the history and would love to go back.

4. My High School Geometry teacher always thought I was high. It was after all the last period of the day.

5. I have a duel BA degree in Accounting and Finance.

6. My dream is to live in the mountains away from the city, not necessarily in a yurt.

7. I've known my bestest friend for 31 years.

8. When I was little I wanted to be a vet.


Dodi said...

Oh, dear, "bestest" is out. "BFF" is in. (Best Friend Forever)

Keep up!

Ummmm, you'd really HATE to go back to London?

tz said...

see i thought your best friend...was, forgot her name but she lives in boston...
i choose best friend.

Martha said...

Well, since you are only 29, how could you have a best friend when you were still just a twinkle in your momma's eye?

Hmmmm...I'm thinking you are fibbing about...Oh, I have not a clue what you are fibbing about...maybe about being a lesbian wiccan polygamist who dreams of being the Supreme Commander of all Girl Scouts (or at least cookie mom?)

Colleen O said...

I think you are a GOOD LIAR!! Probably because you've dealt with so many socio paths! I'm stumped.

Aimee said...

Dodi is right. I loved London but would HATE to go back. Thank you Martha for the lovely compliment, however.....

Jenn, in Boston, is one of my BBF (better?) but I've known Amy for 30+ years. We met in the second grade.

Aimee said...

Oops, I meant BFF not BBF.